News ID: 857
Publish Date : 10 November 2017 - 11:46

Most Dangerous Things Commonly Done While Driving

People tend to develop some pretty terrible driving habits over the course of their driving careers. So in order to try and remind people of some of the more dangerous things they can do while driving, we’ve developed this list.
Khodrocar - Remember that when you’re told to be a safe driver, it’s not just with you in mind. Unsafe driving habits are potentially dangerous for everyone near a road, other drivers, pedestrians, cyclists… everyone.

So be mindful so that you don’t hurt an innocent person with poor decisions and habits. Without further ado, here are the top 10 most dangerous things a person can do while they drive.

Road Raging
Every driver at some point has become upset by the actions of another driver. Whether that be from getting cut off, lane changes without a signal, speeding by, or any other number of reasons. But what needs to be remembered is that human emotion is strong, and if your focused on being upset from what someone else did, you’re not focused on the road.

Attention is the biggest factor between arriving to your destination safely, and getting into an accident. When your attention is elsewhere and you are not focused on driving, many problems can occur.

For most, there’s not enough time in the day. So to make up for time lost driving, some decide to eat while on the road rather than wait till they get where they are going. All it takes is a little food going down the wrong pipe, or spilling your hot pasta or soup on your lap and all of a sudden the last thing you’re worried about is driving. It’s obvious how this can be dangerous.

Grabbing Something Out Of Reach
How many times has your phone or CD case been wanted only to find out its deep in the back seat or lodged under a seat? So what do you do? In this instance many people do the Stretch Armstrong technique and try with all their might to reach it. I’ve even witnessed people completely take their hands off the wheel, do a 180 so that they can listen to their favorite Celine Dion album.

Driving With Headphones
It’s understood not everyone can afford a great sound system in their vehicle. But that is no excuse for deafening out the rest of the world because you want to jam out. Now you might argue, "well deaf people can drive.” Yes, they can. But they know what it’s like to be alert without the aid of sound.

The average person is not, and the average person has but two ways to tell them whats going on while driving. Sight and sound, if you take sound out of the equation, you’ve just decreased your intake on whats going on around you by half. A simple car horn, or the screech of brakes is enough to help divert you from an accident.

Driving With A Child In Your Lap
It is a kind thought when a parent allows their kid to ride in their lap and pretend to drive, and on private property, sure have at it. But when on a public roadway, there is no telling what a child or animal will do which can cause you to lose control.

A dog can scratch your face, or a kid can poke you in the eye. Point being, both children and dogs are unruly and unpredictable. You don’t want them in your lap when you’re trying to get somewhere safely.

The world is a busy place, and between emails, texting, Facebook, Twitter, and any other media you choose to add in there, you can stare at your phone for hours laughing, crying, or whatever. But when your fiddling with your phone, not only is your attention elsewhere, but so are your eyes as well as your hands.

Don’t injure someone becuase you had to tweet about the cute dog you say on the side of the road. The story can still be told later, and anything you can read while driving will be there when you get to your destination.
